Poem UVALDE by Susan Jarvis Bryant



I’m struck with news and views today

__As youth and truth lie dead.

Words bruise me in a mad melee

__Of mind-marauding dread.

I’m stunned by words, too many heard

__To mull and comprehend—

Cacophonies of what occurred

__And why we’ve reached this end.

Excuses rise like ghostly smoke

__And choke my waning trust.

I glimpse a dagger beneath a cloak

__As details are discussed.

The buzz and din and gab and spin

__Will bang on all year long,

And rectitude will never win

__Unless we hear its song.

Its prayer should soar above the howl

__And put our children first—

No politics. No playing foul.

__No odious outburst…

No feeding on this evil deed—

__Its horror and its pain…

No fueling ever present greed

__For glory or for gain.



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